How to Shop at Webike Thai Parts

  • 08/02/2017

For all of the riders who want a reasonable parts mad in Thailand and no duty tax. There is a way for you to find that at For "how to buy" manual, please follow these steps

Choose Product

Choose your desire product from website. Check product specification and make sure it matches your model.


Select Options

Select product option such as colour, size, material if available.



Add to Cart

Click ‘add to cart’ once finish shopping. You can add product quantity as much as you want without making separate order and payment. The system will calculate and show the total amount of your order.


Proceed to Cehckout

To process on checkout from website, click on the total amount shown on the top page. You will enter ‘shopping cart’. Then click on ‘proceed to checkout’. You can adjust your quantity again here.


Shipping Address

Fill in your shipping address. We will not take any responsibility if the item is sent to a wrong address.


Place Order

After checking all details, click ‘Place order’ at the bottom of the page. A detail of bank account will appear. Please make a transfer within 7 days, otherwise your order will be deleted.


Notify Transaction

After your transfer, please notify us of the transaction by clicking on the far upper right button ‘แจ้งการโอนเงิน’. This button will be under menu bar if you use mobile phone.


**After we acknowledge your transaction, we will notify you the shipping date within 3 business days through your registered email, and will make a fast shipping for you.**


Go check it out once you are ready at


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