Honda developed the EV-CUB of the electric two-wheeled vehicle, to the prospect after two years based on the launch EV-CUB Concept in Japan
- 26/02/2016
Honda for the new Honda's creation in Yasato Takahiro president of the conference February 24, announced that listed the two themes. The first one is a "evolution of the global 6-pole system" Another is "the development of the Honda seems challenging products".
The evolution of the global 6-pole system
2-wheeled Honda, the US four-wheel market, Europe, divided into six regions, such as Japan, local production in each region, has set that to promote such development. Become the future big market of in two-wheel is the ASEAN region, and that will further promote the future local production, the development, such as two-wheel factory increased Bei the other day in India. In addition, also, an important factor that we have to sell as a global model using a unified platform as separately NC750 series with it.
The development of the Honda seems challenging commodity
As listed as "nothing can make the" in the past, for Honda to promote that to your own challenge, and HondaJet, as same as such as Honda walking assist, will always future also promoted a challenging product development, I have been with.
As a major pillar of the "electric technology" is in two-wheel, 4-wheel, not only consume energy, aims to continue to support the energy society through mobility, such as the development of smart hydrogen station, sustainable smart community social It is defined as tackle also the realization of.
In 2018 after two years it aims to commercially available "electric turnip"
It was announced at last year's Motor Show in a two-wheeled "EV-CUB Concept" the base and the mass-production model, to be marketed in Japan the "EV-CUB (Eevee, turnip)" to the prospect of the 2018 two years later It announced. In addition, it plans to introduce in major ASEAN countries, the largest market of Cub series. And the spread of EV by using the turnip rooted in your life, will be carried out in accordance with that aim to reduce CO2.
Although the show model, showed the form of the new "mobility" in a very high degree of completion form, EV-CUB Concept. Also new turnip in Japan of the landscape might be full of it is also not far future.
▲ photo Super Cub concept that has been published in the same motor show. Very close to design and Eevee, turnip, but is equipped with a gasoline engine.