HONDA CB750 แฮนค์/อะไหล่แฮนค์ - Webike Thailand

HONDA CB750 แฮนค์/อะไหล่แฮนค์

Excellent driving performance due to well balance of engine and chassis, tired of not getting tired, basic sports CB 750 with high evaluation with HISS and other equipped equipment, in 1982 with Freddie Spencer's riding in 1982 AMA Super Bike Daytona 100 A special model with color rings of CB 750 F with mileage race appeared.In addition to exclusive color, we adopt chrome plated finish handle weight, front fork top bolt of blue alumite treatment, rear shock reservoir tank of gray alumite treatment, emphasizing specialty mood.On March 13, 2007 - April 10, limited-to-order production, the price is 30,000 yen (excluding tax) of the regular color model.There is no change in the main specifications.

ขนาดเครื่องยนต์ 747
แรงม้าสูงสุด 75ps(55kw)/8500rpm
แรงบิดสูงสุด 6.5kg・m(64N・m)/7500rpm
น้ำหนักรถสุทธิ(รวมอุปกรณ์) 235kg
ความจุถังน้ำมัน 20ลิตร

294 รายการ




