10 points
Applicable Models:
- CB 1100 ABS 13-15 SC65
- CB 1100 EX SA ABS 14-15 SC65
- CB 250 F HORNET 98 MC31
Product number: 1043916
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] L28-0046 Packing: by pair Height (mm): 11 41 x 54 x 11mm
36 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR650 650cc All (1993)
- KLX650C 650cc All (1993)
- KLR650 650cc All (1997)
Product number: KA-6589
- With Yoshimura K&N original sticker
10 points
Applicable Models:
- FJS 400 SILVER WING ABS 09-15 NF03
- FJS 400 SILVER WING D 06-08 NF01
Product number: 1043915
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] L28-0044 Packing: by pair Height (mm): 8/10.5mm 41 x 53 x 8/10.5mm
21 points
Applicable Models:
- DL 1000 V-STROM 02-10 Position:Front
- DL 650 V-STROM 04-11 Position:Front
- DL 650 V-STROM ABS 07-20 Position:Front
Product number: 1022816
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] MFP205 Brake Pad Type: replacement Homologation: TUV-homologated Material: Sintered metal Use: Sport touring
74 points
Applicable Models:
- ELIMINATOR 600 86-87 ZL600A
- ELIMINATOR 600 95-97 ZL600B
- GPX 600 R 94-97 ZX600C
Product number: 1080538
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] 02064-0E
14 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 95-04 KL650C
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A
- KL 650 TENGAI 89-91 KL650B
Product number: 1041065
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] 03-0204
9 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR650 650cc All 97
- KLR650 650cc All 96
- KLR650 650cc All 94
Product number: KN-123
- With Yoshimura K&N original sticker
70 points
Applicable Models:
- ER-5 01 ER500D
- ER-5 01-05 ER500C
- GPZ 500 S 87-92 EX500A
Product number: 3030727
- ・Kit composition TOURMAX Steel Clutch Plate - Kawasaki: 1004213: CPL-404 TOURMAX Clutch Spring Kit Kawasaki: 1004300: HSP-406-5 TOURMAX Friction Clutch Plate - Kawasaki: 1004141: CF146LD / P 70014: BTE TECNIUM KIT 70013: BTETECNIUMEMB
20 points
Applicable Models:
- GPZ 1100 83-85 ZX1100A
- GPZ 900 R 84-93 ZX900A
Product number: 1041045
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] 03-0068
10 points
Applicable Models:
- FZX 750 88-93
- TDR 240 88-90
- PE 175 82-83
Product number: 1043906
- [Manufacturer's Part Number] L28-0036 Packing: by pair Height (mm): 10.5mm 38 x 50 x 10.5mm
52 points
Applicable Models:
- GPX750R
- GPZ750R
- GPZ900R Ninja
Product number: 3031137
- - Kit composition TOURMAX Friction Clutch Plate - Kawasaki : 1004141 : CF146LD/P 70013 : BTETECNIUMEMB
20 points
Applicable Models:
- V-STROM1000 (DL1000)
- V-STROM 650 (DL650)
- V-strom 650XT
Product number: 1022749
- [Manufacturer Part No.] MF205 Brake Pad Type : Replacement Homologation : TUV-homologated Material : Sintered metal Use : Sport
12 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR650
- KX125
- KX250 (2019-)
Product number: 1022922
- [Manufacturer Part No.] MO86 Brake Pad Type : Replacement Homologation : TUV-homologated Material : Sintered metal Use : Off-road
46 points
Applicable Models:
- ER-5
- GPX600R
Product number: 3030665
- - Kit composition TOURMAX Friction Clutch Plate - Kawasaki : 1004141 : CF146LD/P 70013 : BTETECNIUMEMB
16 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR650
- KX125
- KX250 (2019-)
Product number: 1022327
- [Manufacturer Part No.] MA102 Brake Pad Type : Replacement Homologation : TUV-homologated Material : Organic Use : Street
35 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 89 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008183
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: black Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 1100140: 15-121015 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Stock BANJO 002 BLACK: 1076883002: 20-100208 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm
38 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 89 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008195
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: black Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 1100142: TPA11C08X10 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 1100140: 15-121015 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 Stock BANJO 002 BLACK: 1076883002: 20-100208 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40
35 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Front
Product number: 3008103
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Stock BANJO 000 GOLD: 1076881004: 20-100009 1100140: 15-121015 Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40
34 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 90 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008151
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm 1100140: 15-121015 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0
37 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 90 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008163
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 1100140: 15-121015 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 1100142: TPA11C08X10 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209
34 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 90 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008150
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: red Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Stock BANJO 002 RED: 1076883005: 20-100204 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 1100140: 15-121015 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0
26 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3010001
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 1100140: 15-121015 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030
27 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 93-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
- KLR 650 95-97 KL650C/Position:Rear
Product number: 3010061
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209 1100140: 15-121015 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 Stock BANJO 004 GOLD: 1076885004: 20-100409
26 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3009996
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: Aluminum Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Stock BANJO 002 ALUMINIUM: 1076883001: 20-100201 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 1100140: 15-121015 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000
38 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Front
Product number: 3008110
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: Aluminum Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 1100140: 15-121015 SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062 1100142: TPA11C08X10 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Stock BANJO 000 ALUMINIUM: 1076881001: 20-100001 Stock BANJO 002 ALUMINIUM: 1076883001: 20-100201 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000
35 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 89 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008182
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: Aluminum Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 002 ALUMINIUM: 1076883001: 20-100201 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 1100140: 15-121015 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40
41 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 93-94 KL650A/Position:Front
- KLR 650 95-97 KL650C/Position:Front
Product number: 3008353
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: blue Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 Stock BANJO 000 BLUE: 1076881003: 20-100003 Stock BANJO 004 BLUE: 1076885003: 20-100403 1100140: 15-121015 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 1100142: TPA11C08X10 SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400
20 points
Applicable Models:
- ER-5
- GPX600R
Product number: 3030889
- - Kit composition 70013 : BTETECNIUMEMB TOURMAX Steel Clutch Plate - Kawasaki : 1004213 : CPL-404
14 points
Applicable Models:
- CB1100
- CB1100EX
- HORNET250 (CB250F)
Product number: 1042184
- [Manufacturer Part No.] BL-41S01
19 points
Applicable Models:
- DR800
- BANDIT400 (GSF400)
- GSX1100G
Product number: 1022810
- [Manufacturer Part No.] MF97 Brake Pad Type : Replacement Homologation : TUV-homologated Material : Sintered metal Use : Sport
22 points
Applicable Models:
- DR800
- KLR650
- NINJA250R (EX250)
Product number: 1023041
- [Manufacturer Part No.] MR138 Brake Pad Type : Replacement Homologation : TUV-homologated Material : Sintered metal Use : Street
38 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 89 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008198
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: red Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 1100142: TPA11C08X10 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm 1100140: 15-121015 Stock BANJO 002 RED: 1076883005: 20-100204 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062
26 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3009998
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: titanium Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 002 TITANIUM: 1076883006: 20-100211 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 1100140: 15-121015 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm
26 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3009997
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: black Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Stock BANJO 002 BLACK: 1076883002: 20-100208 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 1100140: 15-121015
27 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 93-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
- KLR 650 95-97 KL650C/Position:Rear
Product number: 3010057
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: black Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 004 BLACK: 1076885002: 20-100408 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Stock BANJO 002 BLACK: 1076883002: 20-100208 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 1100140: 15-121015 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm
35 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Front
Product number: 3008099
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: black Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 002 BLACK: 1076883002: 20-100208 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Stock BANJO 000 BLACK: 1076881002: 20-100008 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 1100140: 15-121015 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0
35 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 89 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008187
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: gold Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Stock BANJO 002 GOLD: 1076883004: 20-100209 1100140: 15-121015 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400
26 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 87-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3010000
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: red Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 Stock BANJO 002 RED: 1076883005: 20-100204 1100140: 15-121015 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40
27 points
Applicable Models:
- KLR 650 95-97 KL650C/Position:Rear
- KLR 650 93-94 KL650A/Position:Rear
Product number: 3010060
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: red Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition Stock BANJO 004 RED: 1076885005: 20-100404 GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 Stock BANJO 002 RED: 1076883005: 20-100204 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm 1100140: 15-121015 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400
37 points
Applicable Models:
- KL 650 TENGAI 90 KL650B/Position:Front
Product number: 3008158
- Hose color: Stainless Steel Banjo color: Aluminum Quantity: 1 ・Kit composition GREY PLASTIC SLEEVE: 1044252: 15-141000 70006: CHEVALETS 12 x 30cm SLEEVE C/C BLACK: 1044229: 15-201062 Stock BANJO 002 ALUMINIUM: 1076883001: 20-100201 70008: FOND SACHETS 29.5 x 40 BIHR Brake Hoses Polybag Big Model - 480 x 300mm: 70010: 153048C0 CRIMP-ON SOCKET 10mm: 1044234: 23-110030 1100142: TPA11C08X10 Aluminium gasket Speedbrakes 10 x 14 x 1.5mm: 1044221: 15-120400 1100140: 15-121015