HONDA CR125 Drive Parts - Webike Thailand

HONDA CR125 Drive Parts

Vehicle dedicated to competing in domestic and international motocross races.The 2005 model improves output characteristics and throttle response by completely reexamining the engine from the port shape of the cylinder to the reed valve, the operation system of the exhaust device, the cooling system, the shift system, the exhaust chamber, and the whole.Also for car body, we adopted high strength aluminum die cast material for rear wheel hub and also use aluminum extruded material for chain guide plate to reduce unsprung load.Higher road surface tracking performance is realized.

Engine Capacity 124
Max. Output 41.5ps(30.5kw)/11500rpm
Max. Touque 2.85kg・m(27.9N・m)/11000rpm
Weight 97(概算値)kg
Fuel Tank Capasity 7.7Liter